3300 Years Dewa Semeru Business Djinn For All Aspects Of Life.


Benefits Of This Djinn

  • Provides assistance in all aspects of your life.
  • Helps you resolve financial problems, pay off debts, make profit.
  • Assists you in your work, profession, and all business endeavors.
  • Increases sales and brings steady customers for shop owners.
  • Improves your love life and personal relationship choices.
  • Attracts wealth from unexpected sources.
  • Brings you prosperity and abundance.

About This Item

This magical pendent contains an ethereal dewa Djinn spirit which will assist you in all aspects of life. The Djinn is endemic to Mount Semeru in east Java and a powerful force as old as the mountains themselves. The region from which this spirit comes has long since been considered sacred and is revered by those experienced in the magical arts.


The Djinn can manifest as many things, but often it appears as a human dressed in traditional eastern robes worn only by those of royal decent. The blessings this Vessel and its ethereal spirit entity are from a higher Astral Plane and limitless.


Its powers are strong, limitless and draw positivity inward. Whether you are looking for improvements in your personal life, business dealings, social status, family bonds, professional career or monetary assistance, this vessel will not only attract positivity, but it will block negativity in its many forms. this talisman will render powerless your enemies and sends their bad intent back to them, leaving also their accomplices impotent. There are many benefits to owning this benevolent talisman and they are far too plentiful to list in their entirety.

Price: US $ 550 | ZAR 9920

Belial Djinn For Jobs, Business And Promotion


Benefit Of This Djinn

  • Are you struggling in your business or career?
  • Not getting the Job promotion you were working so hard for?
  • Assists you in your work, profession, and all business endeavors
  • Your boss isn’t noticing you?
  • Your clients don’t respect you
  • No one is coming into your shop?
  • Maintains harmony in your family unit
  • Want to take your business to the next level, but you feel blocked?

About This Item

About 10 years ago I had the same problem until I came across Belial in our spiritual sessions. The discovery of the powers of Belial was a real game changer.


We started out with summoning sessions, but this took a lot of time. The results were there but it took away too much time. That’s why we decided to create the vessel of Belial, consecrate it and wear it all day. That was the moment things really started to change big time. We got lots of clients, my career got to unknown heights, and we all benefited very much from this special vessel. Finally, after 1 year of using this vessel, we decided to make it available to everybody. So here it is. You don’t have to offer or sacrifice anything.


Belial will always be with you to help you. It will take about 7 days for the vessel to adjust to you, but after that you won’t believe the great things that will be happening to you.


Belial is one of the fallen angels that were entrapped by King Solomon. It is noteworthy that this Djinn is only second to Lucifer in hell. He is said to have been created side by side with Lucifer. He is the 68th demon listed as one of the kings of hell within the Lesser Key of Solomon.

Price: US$ 650 | ZAR 11720

Maimunu / Maymun the Queen of the Djinn – Custom Pendent of Power


Benefit Of This Item

  • Unlimited Wealth
  • Luck & Good Fortune
  • Prophecy & Miracles
  • Political Fame & Power
  • Success In Everything you do
  • Fame & Fortune
  • Get Noticed


About This Item

Maimunu/ Maymun she is  Queen and leader to 1,000 legions of Djinn, She owns 10 seas in hell and controls various dimensions in the astral realm as well as a section in purgatory. She has a very intimidating presence and I don’t recommend this vessel at all for a beginner. If you have experience dealing with high ranked spirits and demons then this vessel is for you, She can help you with any needs you have, her and her legion of djinn will make your dreams possible. Remember, you must give her offerings for her hard work!


This beautiful talismanic jinn pendant is connected to the Ghoul Tayqan. He is from the tribe of the ghouls and was summoned to the court of King Suleiman (Solomon). He was responsible for many wonders and mystical occurrences during the reign of the great king. Tayqan is a master magician and very wise and knowledgeable, his abilities are to bring knowledge of all kinds, to teach mystical skills, occult secrets, and mystical arts, to give good fortune, luck, and success, and to influence the mind of all people who will see you as their leader.

Price: US $ 810 | ZAR 14600

Haunted Pendent Djinn Infinite Power -Wealth – Money Love –  Revenge – Luck Fame


What You Can Expert From This Djinn

  • Control over other
  • Communication with the unseen
  • Unlimited protection
  • Banish evil spirits
  • Supernatural power

About This Item

This pendent is for a very rare and one-of-a-kind ring, that contains 3333 arabian djinns. They grant the new Master or Mistress OMNIPOTENCE IN EVERYTHING..


You will have every skill, supernatural and immortal power, talent, physical, mental and spiritual power. Anything you want. There is no such thing as failure, when working with these 3333 djinns.


You will be able to handle every situation you encounter and solve it with their help. Through their power, you will rule everything imaginable. Spiritual entities, humans, animals, past, present and future events, places, situations. You will be at the highest level of supreme power, authority and awareness. You will be able to replicate and absorb any power you wish to have and make it your own whenever you want and use it to fulfill ALL your desires.


These arabian djinns grant you with complete power of OMNIPOTENCE. You will be able to achieve multiple things at once just by thinking of them, wearing the pendent and desiring them. You will be able to achieve these things as if you were at a thousand places in one minute time. Your senses will be enhanced to the highest level possible.


This will allow you to do tings that no human can do. You will have senses that no human in the world feels. You will become invincible and invulnerable to everything and immortal. Any supernatural power you desire is yours. Control, create, destroy, diminish, block, banish and protect all things, forces, people, places and events.

Price: US $ 600 | ZAR 10820

A+++ Powerful Customized Money And Business Djinn Of Katahur



  • Katahur can help you in your business.
  • Katahur can find you new creative ways.
  • Katahur can help you overcome difficult times.
  • He can find you the perfect partner.
  • Increases trust and respect.
  • He can attract new customers.
  • Djinn Katahur serves you for everything related to your business.

About This Item

Our experience with Katahur is impressive. We call Katahur every time we need to make a business decision and he has never failed us so far. Katahur can do these things for you too. You just need to wear his vessel, nothing else. No sacrifice are needed nor difficult rituals or practices. Katahur is the perfect spirit to help you grow your business.


With this spiritually enlightened pendent in your life you will begin to feel euphoric. You will feel as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You will feel unburdened, and at peace.

This Pendent is both for men or women, Any usage details, advice, guidance, etc. will be provided by me, to the winner, on an on-going, and as needed basis.

Price: US $ 650 | ZAR 11720

4460 Years Telur Dewo Djinn For Business & Money Success

Benefits Of This Item

  • Improves financial situation and standing.
  • Showers you with many of his blessings.
  • Brings you prosperity and abundance.
  • Attracts wealth from all directions of the world.
  • Makes you successful in each and every endeavor.
  • Brings success to business and career.
  • Protects from black magic attacks and criminal activities.

About This Item

Telur Dewo business and money success pendent empowers you to attract success, prosperity and abundance in your life. These powers provide very effective protection against evil black magic attacks, negative energies or criminal acts like robbery, etc. Always remember to undertake each task with hard work and dedication on your end for these powers to respect you and obey your commands. And then these powers will leave no stone unturned to make sure that your efforts conclude in nothing but success.


Contained inside of this enchanted pendent is a strong metaphysical energy from the immensely powerful Mount Kawi volcano. Legend has it that the spiritual force residing in this mountain is so potent that locals and adepts often go on a pilgrimage to the mountain as a ritual. ending on your spiritual development.

Price: US $ 700 | ZAR 12620