Infusion Pendant of Power, Mind Control, Charm, Magick & Wishes granted, Riches & Success!


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Supernatural Abilities
  • Psychic Powers
  • Ancestral connection
  • Wish Granting
  • Success & Riches
  • Mind Control

About This Item

Infuse yourself with magical, supernatural and paranormal abilities, gifts, energies and powers. If your bloodline contains abilities, powers, or gifts associated with what you choose, it will more greatly impact your energy level. If your bloodline does not contain the infusion you choose, it will still provide powerful energy, influence, and abilities.


This is a ritual piece performed by our High Priestess on your behalf and will stimulate and surface any ancestral connection of power and provides you a total infusion of yourself with a custom design. You can have as many infusions performed on your behalf as you wish, they can compliment each other and work with each other together to provide great power, or they may be secluded and used as individual pools of power. Whichever way provides you the best results.


For those of you who want life changing services, this for you. Infusion simply infuses you with the power’s abilities and gives an energy of the magickal superpower or paranormal abilities. You choose so you can adapt utilize and strengthen yourself through the power’s abilities gifts and energy. Which is just as unique as you are you. This binding allows you to unlock many different paths abilities and opportunities through each type of infusion.


Since each infusion is performed for each of your 3 bodies, you will have an incredible range of power and limitless opportunities. Each of your bodies (astral, earthen, spiritual) can utilize the powers, gifts, energies and abilities of this infusion for any reason.


There is great intensity and a measurable force of supernatural power with each infusion, and the infusion continually develops through you. You can develop new faces of yourself, see things with your new eyes, and power your 3 bodies to explore and discover beyond anything you can imagine and create the kind of self you desire.

Indestructible Wealth, Immense Power and Success Djinn Prime Ministry Lukufuj Rufwkal


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Gain wealth and material abundance
  • Success in stocks and investments
  • Receive unexpected rewards
  • Earn ultimate respect and power
  • Ensure prosperous relationships with all!
  • Have true self-confidence
  • Release your inhibitions
  • Achieve a prosperous high-level love life!

About This Item

Today I present to you a  great Luakufuj Rufukal, the infernal prime minister who possesses the power that ‘Iiblis gave him over all the wealth and treasures of the world. He has under him Bayl, ‘Agharis and Marbas along with thousands of other jinn/jinns who are his subordinates.



This beautiful item turns everything you touch into GOLD! It is my great honor to present to you this elite status DJINN PRINCE LUKUFUJ RUFWKAL secret society skull and bones ring! Possession of this item allows you to conjure ultimate wealth and unparalleled power! Earn high level wealth, material abundance, vast knowledge, ultimate success, honor and respect among many more!


This Djinn Prince will bring unlimited wealth and abundance to all who own his great vessel. This article has bestowed upon me riches beyond imagination and assured complete success in all my endeavors! You will feel its incredible energy the moment you hold it in your hand!



This item is cast and invoked with pure energies of white light bestowed on us by the Creator. All areas of your life! Banish negative energies from your life forever! You will succeed against all odds!

Emperor Iiblis the Extremely Powerful Djinn of Wealth, Prosperity, Spell breaker


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Gain Wealth
  • Immortality
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Healing Power
  • Ultimate Success & Good Fortune
  • Abundance & Protection From Evil
  • Elite Status, Unlimited Wishes, Infinite Power, Wealth, Blessings You will all be granted

About This Item

‘Iiblis The supremely powerful, supreme and independent Emperor, free and absolute ruler of the underground realm, despotic lord over all his jurisdiction, the formidable, the most noble, rules all in the most regular way, moving and governing the fortunes and the misfortunes of his subjects with absolute power, wise and sagacious, endowed with the most sublime and luminous character, the ruler of Europe and of all misfortunes in general.



I am honored to present to you the oldest, most sacred and powerful paranormal object known to exist. This article is a metaphysical powerhouse! There’s more power in this ship than some have in their entire collection! If you really want to be part of the elite, this Djinn will grant you ultimate powers, fortune and unlimited wealth FASTER than ANY other metaphysical item!



This item has been carefully handcrafted by our Coven Sisters and Elite Brothers to bring you the most powerful and powerful metaphysical items available in the world! REAL Magic and Occult Power! We use only the most sacred forms of ancient magic, which our ancestors used centuries ago



His powers are contained by the one true King Solomon bestowed on him by the almighty power of God! It’s one of the most powerful items there is! His abilities are among the most complex of any item – there is NOTHING like it in the entire world! The power of this magnificent object will allow you to control others and accumulate billions in financial royalties

Haunted Powerful Healing Jinniyah Of  The Highest Class And Power


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Physical healing from illness or disease, Mental healing, Emotional healing, Finding and keeping love, Accepting love.
  • Good luck, Anti-depression, Emotional protection, Heightened intuition, Attracting positive energy, Telling the truth from lies.
  • Good decision-making, chakra balance, personal advancement, creativity, fertility, banishment of negative energies, peace and tranquility, wishes granted.

About This Item

This is a rare haunted powerful healing Jinniyah of the highest class and power. It brings the ability to cure all diseases and ailments, including depression, bipolar disorder, and all types of cancer! The energies of this powerful Djinniyah will speed up the healing process like no other and banish all ailments, illnesses and negativities from your life and that of your loved ones forever! This haunted Djinniyah is conjured through hundreds of powerful rituals and summoning practices to bring forth the perfect entity bound into your spiritual aura. This spirit will serve as your personal guide and guardian who will assist you in times of need.



This Djinniyah holds the key to ultimate harmony, peace and balance! The powers of this sacred Jinniyah will overcome any physical or emotional hardship you face, including: all general emotional healing and protection, enhanced benefits of meditation (especially meditation involving personal healing), aid in mental balance, repairing a broken heart and much more! This Djinniyah offers complete protection against negative energies, bad luck, psychic attacks and warns you against dangerous and damaging people and situations! Heal yourself and your loved ones and banish the stress, pain and anxiety that drag you down! With the powers of this Jinniyah healing entity by your side, your spiritual chakras will be filled with the strength, courage, and motivation you need to reach incredible heights! This is a very rare and powerful Djinniyah that was only available to my Elite customers until now!



This Djinniyah was invoked and blessed by 13 Djinniyah Queens under the light of the waxing Moon. Its power and energies go far beyond the magic of what other spellcasters or conjurers can offer! All tools and herbs used in these ancient sacred rituals are 100% organic to ensure the greatest potency and strength possible! It features 3 blessed chakra centers which symbolize healing, prosperity and peace. The Triple Goddess symbolizes the three phases of femininity; young girl, mother and old woman. The view of the Goddess as triple aspected goes back as far as recorded history (and possibly further). You must experience the healing powers of this blessed Jinniyah for yourself

Djinn Ring Of Prophecy, Divination, Good Fortune And Knowledge + Wealth


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Divination: Here, the jinn will return to his summoner the knowledge of the future, the present and the past by supernatural means.
  • Treasure/Wealth: This Djinn has the power to grant its summoner vast and indestructible wealth in treasure or any currency in any way he desires.
  • Precognition: King Harsan will lend his summoner the ability to perceive future events.
  • Psychometry or psychoscopy: It will restore to its summoner the ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. etc

About This Item

The twentieth Djinn spirit is a great king Harsan. He knows all things hidden and can uncover treasure and tell all things past, present and to come. He can take on the appearance of a Human or Aerial Body, and is truly responsible for all things Earthly, both Secret and Divine, and for the Creation of the World.


He produces good familiars, and under his rule there are 22 legions of jinn spirits, part of the Order of Virtues and part of the Order of Thrones. His mark, seal, or character of obedience is etched beneath the crystal of this talisman which binds him to obey his summoner’s every command with blind obedience.


This djinn is now with this amulet and is ready to build a life full of abundance and wealth. He has the gift of showing wealth and success, and his purpose is to help the chosen one who carries his vessel to reach a wealthy position in life.



This genie will do everything he can to give you a life of luxury. While this Djinn is in your possession your luck with money will increase, you will feel more stimulated, and you will attract more opportunities regarding financial affairs. This genie will do everything he can to make you a rich character! New doors will open.



While we are in no position to judge or criticize anyone or anything, we can only offer the best of work and knowledge which we have dedicated a lifetime for to the world and we understand that sometimes being financially successful is the door to help others and have more time and capacity to understand life better and think about it and for that reason, we are offering this to you today.