
Ifrit Jinn are supernatural creatures in Arabic and Islamic cultures. They are in a class of infernal jinn noted for their strength and cunning. An ifrit Jinn is an enormous winged creature of fire, either male or female, who lives underground and frequents ruins. Ifrits Jinn live in a society structured along ancient Arab tribal lines, complete with kings, tribes, and clans. They generally marry one another, but they can also marry humans.

Below Are The Most Powerful Ifrit Jinn / Djinn Rings

Ifrit Djinn Named Matik Al-Hayal – Djinn of Prosperity

Benefit Of this Djinn

  • Sex And Lust
  • Self-Confidence
  • Revenge
  • Black Magic
  • Great Wealth (very exceptional)
  • Power & Control (at the highest level)
  • Persuasion / Manipulation (very good at it)
  • Illusions
  • Increased Psychic Abilities
  • Spirit Communication

About This Item

Today I present to you a powerful and rare djinn ring of Ifrit  Matik, The  Father of prosperity appears in the form of a gazelle with golden horns or as an old man with a white beard and a golden robe.


Ifrit Matik  is very powerful and he helps for bringing power and authority, prosperity, money, for transactions, sales of movable and immovable property, acquisition of property, wealth, gold, silver, and jewels.


Ifrit Matik was an adviser to the richest man on the planet, King Mansa Musa I, during the Malian Empire in the 14th century, for whom no historian is said to have been able to determine the exact amount of his incalculable wealth.


This is a ring for those who seek to level up, as it helps bridge the gap between familiar patterns and a new, ascended state of mind.


Combined with 7 spiritual practices for success, abundance, and prosperity, the frequency of this ring will open the doors of possibility you are hesitant to knock on. This model is here to open you to receive insights and guidance that will lead you to true fulfillment.


When you become aware of your blessings and innate capabilities and embrace your soul’s calling, you’ll find that abundance and prosperity are easily manifested into your reality.

Price: US $ 750 | ZAR 13800

Ring of the Ifrit Jinn Queen Ruqaya Bint Shah Narish

Benefit Of This Djinn

  • Profound security and inner peace.
  • Lighting the path of change and growth
  • Open doors to personal transcendence
  • Powerful guidance
  • Blessings manifest into your reality
  • Removing energetic barriers
  • Rings will help you transform at all levels

About This Item

This magical ring is connected with the jinniya Queen Ruqaya Bint Shah Narish. She is a fire ifrit, summoned and bound by a special talismanic pact that is contained inside the magical silver ring and she will be your aid till the end of your days. It is necessary to advise you that communicating with the jinn is not a game and that you must treat the ifrit with the utmost respect.


She is a very powerful queen and her beauty and strength are legendary. In return, she will become a loyal ally and will help where no one else can. Ifrit (from Arabic – ‘afarit) are of the strongest class of jinn, known for their exuberant nature and colossal magical abilities.


Magnificent spiritual rings open doors to personal transcendence and illumination. Lighting the path of change and growth, each inspires awakening. Designed to work with your energy, these pieces serve as powerful guidance, offering you a sense of profound security and inner peace.


When energy is balanced and you open to the blessings from the universe, you will find that those blessings manifest into your reality, both in the physical realm and the conscious mind.


By shifting perspective, removing energetic barriers, and uplifting your energy, these rings will help you transform at all levels. They are a splendid choice if you’re looking for a unique way to express individuality, but most importantly, they’re an excellent choice for those who are ready to elevate and ascend.

Price: US $ 500 | ZAR 9100