Olympian Spirit Bethor Pendent Of  Spiritual Blessings


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Increase Spiritual blessing
  • Attraction Of Wealth & Success
  • Honor & Power
  • Live long and healthy years
  • Finding hidden treasures
  • Get Fame & Fortune

About This Item

Today I present to you a beautiful pendent of  Bethor who is one of the powerful Olympian spirit that will assist by increasing the spiritual blessings in one’s income, income that is earned through a lawful means. If one is earning in a forbidden manner, then this pendent will be of no use to you. A beautiful Pendent to increase the spiritual blessing in one’s income.


Lack Of Spiritual Blessing

The lack of spiritual blessing in one’s wealth can make the highest amount of money earned seem like pennies because of how quickly it is spent. When one lacks spiritual blessing in their income, saving money becomes nearly impossible. Many things can take away the spiritual blessings from ones income such as earning money in a haram/forbidden way such as selling drugs, fraud, stealing & scamming etc. Unfortunately, lack in spiritual blessings in one’s income can even impact someone who works hard & honestly and the reason behind this can be related to karma or some type of issue in their spiritual energy.


Who Is Bethor?

Bethor he is one of the seven Olympic spirits, he Commanded twenty nine thousand legions of spirits and rules 42 provinces. His planet is Jupiter and can give wealth, honor, and prolong life.

The Abraxas Occult Pendent of Power

Benefit Of This Pendent

  • Unlimited Good Luck
  • Protection From Unwanted Energies
  • Good Health & Hippieness
  • Immense Power And Success
  • Confidence And Inner Strength
  • Attract Wealth And Prosperity
  • Improve Your Relationships

About This Item

Do you feel like you’re stuck in life, unable to achieve your goals and aspirations? Are you searching for a way to increase your wealth, success, and happiness? Look no further than the Abraxas Occult pendent of Power!


This ancient artifact, steeped in mystery and legend, has been revered for centuries for its ability to bring its wearer immense power and success. The pendent is said to have been created by the ancient god Abraxas, who was revered for his wisdom and strength. With the pendent, its wearer can tap into the god’s immense power, unlocking a world of unlimited possibilities.


By wearing the Abraxas Occult Pendent of Power, you will instantly tap into its ancient energies, giving you the confidence and inner strength you need to achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, attract wealth and prosperity, or improve your relationships, the pendent will empower you to make it all happen.


But that’s not all. The Pendent is also said to bring its wearer good luck, protection, and health. You will be shielded from negativity and harm, and find yourself enjoying more peace and happiness in your life. With the pendent, you will finally be able to live life on your own terms, without fear or limitations.


So why wait? Empower your life today with the Abraxas Occult pendent of Power. Order now and join the ranks of the powerful and successful who have already harnessed the power of this ancient artifact. The pendent comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can try it risk-free.


Don’t let another day go by without unlocking your full potential. Invest in the Abraxas Occult pendent of Power now, and see the difference for yourself.


This pendent is the most powerful of all because it combines the vortex of power, the triangle of manifestation, Abraxas and the powers of the 7 Olympic Spirits.

Occult Pendent of Bael the king of Wealth & Money.


Benefits Of This Pendent

  • Obtain Wealth And  Abundance
  • Granting invisibility
  • Spiritual Control of the unseen
  • Power
  • protection from bad spirits

About This Item

Bael, also called Baal or Beelzebub is a very powerful demon who’s powers are used by people all over the world to obtain wealth, abundance and riches.


Bael is the first of the 72 Spirits of King Solomon and governs 66 to 250 legions of Demonic Spirits. He is a Fallen Angel turned Demon and is described as a hoarsely-voiced king with the power to make men invisible. Many minor deities of ancient Syria and Persia carried the name Baal, which means “the lord.” According to some authors, Bael is a Duke of Hell, with 66 legions of demons under his command.


He is attributed with teaching science, granting invisibility, and controlling 250 legions of spirits. According to Francis Barrett, he has the power to make those who invoke him invisible, and to some other demonologists his power is stronger in October.


This magical treasure is irreplaceable and must be treated with respect, appreciation, and caution at all times. These efforts will not go unnoticed by the spirits.


The great Demon Bael is an expert in obtaining wealth and riches through creativity and he will help you connect with your heart chakra. By doing this you get a better connection with your inner self, your creativity and many people report that they even have some healing powers when initiated to this incredible spirit.


Since the beginning of time, people have worn rings and various types of lucky charms on their fingers. There is no limit to the variety of forms, configurations, and materials that have been used to make them. They were crafted by many magical practitioners, including mages, witches, sortiarius, and warlocks.

Their objectives spanned from the pursuit of monetary wealth and material benefits to the gratification of romantic longings, sexual urges, and political ambitions, amongst others.

Powerful Pendent of King Balam (also Balaam, Balan)


Benefit Of This Pendant

  • Invisibility
  • Immortality
  • Powers of the Master Sorceress
  • Powers of Berith on Knowledge of all Time

About This Item

Balam (also Balaam, Balan) is a great and powerful king of Hell who commands over forty legions of demons. He gives perfect answers on things past, present, and to come, and can also make men invisible and witty.


Today I present to you a powerful rare pendant that will change your life forever, this pendant as been bonded with a powerful king of hell Balam who will change your life from zero to hero.


This Pendant of King Balaam will give the wearer the ability to answers questions concerning past, present and future events.


After receiving your djinn, you will begin the invocation process. The invocation is when you invoke the djinn to cast your wishes, desires. This also involves a ceremony which I will outline in my email for my clients after receiving of djinn.

My instructions have been passed down by my master guru, and I only share them with clients for privacy reasons. I have experienced many occasions where people have utilized my work without permission. Simply know that when you make your purchase with me, you will use the same invocation ceremony that has worked for me and my master guru and his lineage.