Belial Djinn For Jobs, Business And Promotion


  • Are you struggling in your business or career?
  • Not getting the Job promotion you were working so hard for?
  • Assists you in your work, profession, and all business endeavors
  • Your boss isn’t noticing you?
  • Your clients don’t respect you
  • No one is coming into your shop?
  • Maintains harmony in your family unit
  • Want to take your business to the next level, but you feel blocked?


About 10 years ago I had the same problem until I came across Belial in our spiritual sessions. The discovery of the powers of Belial was a real game changer.

We started out with summoning sessions, but this took a lot of time. The results were there but it took away too much time. That’s why we decided to create the vessel of Belial, consecrate it and wear it all day. That was the moment things really started to change big time. We got lots of clients, my career got to unknown heights, and we all benefited very much from this special vessel. Finally, after 1 year of using this vessel, we decided to make it available to everybody. So here it is. You don’t have to offer or sacrifice anything.

Belial will always be with you to help you. It will take about 7 days for the vessel to adjust to you, but after that you won’t believe the great things that will be happening to you.

Belial is one of the fallen angels that were entrapped by King Solomon. It is noteworthy that this Djinn is only second to Lucifer in hell. He is said to have been created side by side with Lucifer. He is the 68th demon listed as one of the kings of hell within the Lesser Key of Solomon.

All my pendent / talismans are consecrated by me according to the rituals of High White Magic and other sacred rituals, Once Consecrated, this powerful Talisman should not be touched by anyone but only you the user.


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